Life update.

I figured I would do a little life update. August brought so much change. Getting used to my hubby not working, not having a actual routine to keep you tethered. I discovered that I need a routine, it is vital to my mental health. So I have insisted that we get up early every morning. I need to get up eat breakfast, hit the studio, then workout, and then lunch. After that my afternoon is kind of lazy and that is okay with me. I have realized that if I don’t get to do my routine I get grumpy. The routine keeps me happy.

Things were going okay, one day leading to the next. Late August brought some horrible news, my cousin lost his battle with covid-19. It was so awful and my heart just broke. We weren’t super close, but we would see him around from time to time. He had a wife and kids, and my heart just hurts for them. Going through a funeral in these times is a strange and heart wrenching thing. You can’t properly greave, can’t embrace , barely talk. Cold and devastating. Hopefully something I will not experience again. And to anyone who has lost someone during this time, I feel ya.

As we started October the hubby’s furlough turned into a full layoff. Which is really sad and scary. There is no safety net, we are just floating around. I just don’t know what is going to happen. I am still hanging in and creating. I will say that lately I have been super inspired. It is the season, I am usually my best in the fall. I have been photographing a lot, and trying to keep up with my editing. I got a new book cover, it had been a while so it was a lovely surprise. Lately work has been good to me. I just hope it keeps up. We also voted, so that was exciting. And that is about it friends. I hope things are well and these times are kind to you.

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Crissy Mitchelllife update