Success, what is it?

Something that has been on my mind for a while now is success. What it means to different people, what it looks like. I notice most of the artists or creatives I follow seem to be very successful in the art. I suppose to me success means making enough money from your art or craft. It seems everywhere I look I see really amazing artist who I look up to and am super inspired by making a lot money, saying they are the sole provider for their family, ect. Then I do the thing we are not supposed to do, compare myself. Then I think am I the only artist who isn’t making a lot of money? Is there something wrong with me or my art? Ultimately I center myself again and realize, I am not the only one and there is nothing wrong with my art. We will never know why some are very successful and others are not. I may be a private person but I don’t want to mislead anyone, I am a artist. I am self employed, and I don’t make a lot of money. I don’t sell a lot. I am not the sole provider for my family, nor can I travel and live a cushy life with my money. While there is nothing wrong with that, it is not my experience. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have those goals, and hope to make it to that level one day. I just want other creatives and artists to know that if you are not bringing in the money don’t think there is something wrong with you and you are not alone. I feel we don’t always talk about this, I want to start being more transparent about these things. I want to write about the struggle because for me it is my truth.


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