A hurricane and a furlough

It has been a crazy few days. Saturday and Sunday brought hurricane Hanna a category 1, which came out of nowhere. We had about 24hrs warning so there wasn’t much prepping we could do. Saturday into Sunday was a long night, we lost power and around 4 am and had it restored around 10 am. Internet went down Sunday evening and was restored sometime on Monday. We were lucky to not have any major damage. Just a lot of downed trees and uprooted plants. Just as things were starting to feel somewhat normal, my hubby who works in the entertainment industry was furloughed. We have feared this since the start of the pandemic and it finally happened. At least there will be unemployment which will help. However it is still scary and disappointing. As a self employed artist who doesn’t make a whole lot I feel a pressure to do more, sell more, be more. Even with all this craziness we are still blessed and lucky, things could be so much worse. So I am grateful. As always.

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