It is okay to not create.

Yesterday was one of those days were I just wasn’t feeling it. No inspiration. I didn’t step foot in my studio and I felt guilty about it.  On days like this I usually spend time feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything and don’t deserve to be lazy. Inspiration has been hard to come by lately. In times of covid-19, routines and schedules have been thrown off. Also running around and getting props and flowers isn’t as easy as it once was. Thus I am shooting much less than I was this time last year. And that is okay. It may not feel good but it is just the way things are. I am trying to remember to take it easy on myself. It is okay if I only got a handful of images or didn’t shoot anything at all. Somedays that message is easier to remember than others. So just as a reminder if any of my fellow artists out there are feeling that guilt because you are not creating, it is ok.

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Crissy Mitchell